What's Beef: Snooki vs. New York - GangStarr Girl : GangStarr Girl

What’s Beef: Snooki vs. New York

[ 0 ] January 22, 2010 |


I was never very fond of New York’s personality but I watched her shows—all of them—even that awful New York Goes to Work. I watched consistently, like the reality TV junkie that I am (don’t judge me), because I couldn’t turn away from her awesomely bad foolery.

I am very fond of Snooki (I said don’t judge me! By the way, I hate Domino’s Pizza). There, I admitted it, I watched Jersey Shore. If it’s any consolation, I resisted temptation for most of the season, even after news of the infamous punching incident spread like wildfire, but then, one boring Sunday afternoon I turned on MTV and behold, a marathon. Now that the season is over, there’s already buzz about Snooki getting her own show. It’s still being shopped around but it’s tentatively titled, Snooking For Love. I couldn’t help but think had it not been for New York, Snooki might not have that opportunity but Snooki is definitely the bigger diva. Let’s break it down.

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Category: Pop Culture

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

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