Adventures In Pole Dancing 5: More Pain More Gain
Pole dancing hurts. A lot. I can’t stress that enough. It never stops. As you get more advanced you do moves that hurt even more but you eventually learn to deal with the discomfort. I used to think I realized how sensitive the thigh region was until I started learning how to invert. Now I really get it⎯for real this time. I can only imagine what’s in store for me when I start doing armpit holds. *Shudders.
In addition to the pain you feel during real time pole dancing, you also sometimes wake up with mysterious pain and bruises after practice, and you might not always remember what move was the root of your discomfort but the least you can do is to soothe your achiness. Enter Arnicare (or Arnica) and Tiger Balm.
I’ve been using tiger balm for years because it’s great for sore muscles (I used to dance) but upon entering the poling world I discovered Arnicare. It’s an ointment that helps soothe bruises. There’s an adage that says, “No pain, no gain.†But in the case of poling the opposite is true. Such is pole life, I guess.
Category: Health/Fitness
I’ve never gone pole dancing before, but I can only imagine how painful it must be!
I don’t exercise currently, but I really want to get more into dancing. Especially hip-hop since I took a class during my senior year of HS and really enjoyed it. So much fun. :3
I definitely look forward to hearing more about your pole dancing! How many people are in your class? How often do you go?