Adventures in Pole Dancing: The Diva Chats Poling With Confidence - GangStarr Girl : GangStarr Girl

Adventures in Pole Dancing: The Diva Chats Poling With Confidence

[ 5 ] October 10, 2011 |

I mentioned earlier in my pole dance life that I was inspired by Roz aka The Diva because she represented for all the women out there who felt that they couldn’t get good at pole because they lacked strength, weren’t the right size, [insert more self deprecation here]…but clearly, all of the above is bullshit.

“The Diva,” who has been poling for about four years, won the title of “Polesque Champion” in early 20011. She beat out stiff competition with a sassy burlesque routine to Christina Aguilera’s “Nasty Naughty Boy.” Unlike a lot of other pole dance competitions, Polesque competitors are judged more on stage presence, how well the story is conveyed in their performance and showmanship, ie audience reaction counts big time.

If you have ever seen The Diva perform then you know she goes in (if you’ve never seen her perform then make that happen asap). She also brings that infectious energy and confidence to her classroom. You can catch Roz teaching beginner pole classes at Sacred Brooklyn, Alter Ego Pole Fitness or even taking classes at Crunch Gym but wherever she goes the party follows.

I got the opportunity to take a class with her back in August and she was gracious and humble enough to allow me to interview her (scarf and all). Watch as Roz shares how she stays confident, how pole dancing landed her a body double role in a forthcoming Adam Sandler movie and more.



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Category: Health/Fitness, News, Videos

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

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  1. KJ says:

    She is a beast on the Poles! 

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow, she’s amazing! I may need to look in to one of her beginner classes, I’ve always wanted to try pole dancing. 

  3. Ck8s says:

    Wooooooooowww!!!!!! Anotha “class” on how to swing on a pole naked for dollaz……..way to go females.

    • GangStarrGirl says:

      You obviously didn’t READ or COMPREHEND anything that was said here you jackass. We’re not interested in your stupidity and negativity so save your comments for a blog where that’s warranted. 

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