Adventures In Pole Dancing: The Polestruck Factor x Humility

Carolyn Chiu
When I first started pole dancing in February, I looked at the teachers as if they were these mystical all-knowing pole gurus because they were so good at the craft.
But recently I realized that they were human. I know that sounds like a memo from Captain Obvious but when you’re new at a craft as hard as pole, the people who are really good at it can have an awe inspiring affect on you, and it’s even more awesome when you interact with said individuals and see that they are humble and still learning also.
I had this epiphany a couple of weeks ago when Ajia Maximillian, my first pole teacher and Carolyn Chiu, a woman that I had been YouTube pole stalking (translation: searching YouTube for the really good pole dancers) walked into a class that I was taking at Shockra Studio (review coming soon).
It was fascinating to see these women who were several levels more advanced than I was taking a beginner/intermediate class. And despite the fact that they were teachers, they were also students and were gracious about it.
I saw them make mistakes, working on new moves and also working to improve existing spins, combos and climbs, and that’s when it hit me: In pole dancing, no matter how advanced you are your work is never done. You could always go back a few levels and still learn something new because there’s no ceiling in pole. That’s one of the main reasons why I love this sport.
Category: Health/Fitness, Reflections