Angel Haze Admits to Sexual Abuse (Slow Claps) - Gangstarr Girl : GangStarr Girl

Angel Haze Admits to Sexual Abuse (Slow Claps)

[ 0 ] October 24, 2012 |
Angel Haze

Angel Haze

The 21-year-old emcee from Michigan has been making waves in the industry for the past few months with various mixtapes and because she’s lyrically gifted, particularly when it comes to wit and metaphors. It also helps that she looks Aaliyah-esque. Anyway, Angel Haze released a song yesterday entitled, “Cleaning Out My Closet,” where she’s rapping over the Eminem beat of the same song. In her disturbing song she reveals that she was molested as a child. It’s heartbreaking but also a triumph. It’s nice to hear a rapper at her stature (on the brink of mainstream stardom) using their platform for something other than the typical materialistic, “I’m a bad bitch” bravado. In an interview with the New York Times she made the following statements about her decision to record the song.

This is one of the most honest songs I have ever done in my entire life, and I was extremely nervous to put it out because of that. I’m anxious, because I don’t know what the response is going to be. I don’t know how crazy it’s going to sound. I literally bared my soul there. So it’s a giant step for me, and hopefully it helps a lot of people.

My ultimate goal was to let go of all of it, the things that kind of haunt me in a way. I know it’s important in music to be honest with who you are, because this world is so full of lost kids who go through the same thing I went through, whose end result is ultimately suicide or drugs. And they don’t know they are strong enough to get through it. They don’t have an example. Too many people are afraid to say, “This happened to me and look what I did with it.”

What a brave woman she is. I’m sure this gave other victims the courage to speak out.

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Category: Emcees, Music, News

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

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