I Hope Quvenzhané Continues To Feel Like a Champ-GangStarrGirl.com : GangStarr Girl

Dear Quvenzhané: I Hope You Continue To Feel Like a Champ

[ 1 ] February 25, 2013 |
Quvenzhané Wallis at the Academy Awards

Quvenzhané Wallis at Oscars

Quvenzhané Wallis is a little brown girl that even big brown girls should be inspired by. I missed this moment at last night’s Oscars because I was watching The Walking Dead. However, when I saw this pic, it made me smile. In spite of the negativity that this little girl has been receiving about her name, and even  that disgusting comment made by The Onion, I hope she always feels this way about herself. As children, we believe that we can win and generally feel great about ourselves and what we can do. But as we get older, we allow others to rip us to shreds and dim our light. I am struggling with that as I type this but I’m taking a break from the gloom because this little girl is so cool.

What was most impressive to me was that Quvenzhané Wallis kept her smile, charm and poise even when she didn’t win and that is a true champion. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her career.

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Category: Pop Culture, Reflections, TV/Film

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

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  1. She is an awesome little role model 🙂

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