Free Stuff: GangStarrGirl x Slatkin & Co Candle Giveaway - GangStarr Girl : GangStarr Girl

Free Stuff: GangStarrGirl x Slatkin & Co Candle Giveaway

[ 6 ] April 29, 2011 |


Three winners will each win one of these Slatkin & Co Candles from their Spring 2011 collection. They smell divine, btw. Hit the jump for the break down of each scent and how you can win:

Flower Shop (top of the pyramid) – A spring flower scent that consists of sweet lilac, pink freesia and hyacinth.

Passion Flower (bottom left) – A passion fruit, pear and casaba melon scent combined with Tahitian vanilla.

Tropical Spice – A blend of cinnamon bark, spiced rum and Tahitian vanilla.

The first three people to comment win.

Lastly, don’t forget to enter Slatkin & Co’s candle recipe contest for a chance to create their next scent for the Fall 2011 collection.


Category: Contests/Giveaways

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

Comments (6)

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  1. Zach S says:

    Dammit give me one starr lol it Zach I better be one of the first lol

  2. Dee says:

    Ooh, I see Zach didn’t say which one he wanted. I’m second so hook me up with that Tropical Spice! Yaaaay, first the DVDs, now this. #Winning

  3. Congrats Dee, you’re on a roll lol! Zach, which one do you want?

  4. Shawamar says:

    Did I make it?? Wifey loves her some candles..

  5. Kimberly says:

    I’d like passion flower! Did I win?!

  6. @Kimberly Zach ended up taking Passion Flower but I still have Flower Shop available. Would you like that one? If so, email me your info at

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