Women’s World of Boxing Promotes Fitness & Self-Confidence in Women
I absolutely love this!
Teresa Scott is the creative director in the publishing industry by day and a health-conscious entrepreneur who hops in the ring by night. Scott trains women ranging in age from 14-70 in boxing. The certified USA boxing coach founded the Women’s World of Boxing, Inc., a for-profit organization designed to provide women with a safe, comfortable and uplifting environment to learn the sport. Women’s World of Boxing is currently hosted in someone else’s gym so, in addition to helping women and girls get in shape and develop better self-esteem, Scott’s goal is to raise enough money to open up her own gym in the near future. Check out the video for more information on Scott’s program and how you can get involved.
Boxing, among two other fighting techniques are on my list of fitness routines I must try next year. Talk about inspiration!
Category: Health/Fitness
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