Nas Raises Over $30K For Homeless Single Father - GangStarr Girl : GangStarr Girl

Nas Raises Over $30K For Homeless Single Father

[ 0 ] August 9, 2013 |
Nas, Stanley Young

Stanley Young, Homeless Father

I love it when I hear about random rapper acts of kindness so for day 9 of #31WriteNow, I bring you a smartened up version of Nas (I couldn’t resist with the “smarten up” thing). Hip-hop gets such a bad rap–no pun intended–that people often over look the good things that rappers do in real life and when it comes to their music. The Queens Icon came across a news story about Washington D.C. native Stanley Young, a single father of eight who lost his home to a fire, and decided to help him get a new home.

Nas took to the Crowdtilt, a crowd funding site to take donations and posted the following message:

Young is an unemployed construction worker and single father. Two weeks ago, a fire destroyed his home. His family is stuck in a hotel, but time is running out. I could barely watch his tragic story on the news…– they will be kicked out by August 13th if we don’t do something to help now.I am also a single father, and we don’t get enough credit in this country. I’m committed to helping Stanley and his eight (yes 8!) kids. Moreover, I believe and hope that we should all, as a community, come together to help our fellow American men and women when they need us in desperate situations like this. See if you can’t find a few dollars to help the Youngs get back on their feet with me. We need to raise enough to extend their stay, and maybe even afford a down payment on a new house or something.

This is real. It is me. I’m putting in $5,000 myself. Never done something like this, but I have faith that our American community can pull together a miracle for this strong family who needs our help right now. If we can get to the $20,000 goal, I’ll put in another $5,000 too.

Thanks and God bless.

At the time of this post Nas has helped raise $39,036 toward the $50,000 goal.

Meet Stanley and his family:

Anyone interested in funding Stanley’s efforts to get a new home can donate

This is beautiful.

Spotted at Necole Bitchie.

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Category: Hip-Hop, News

About the Author ()

Starrene Rhett Rocque is a recovering journalist who often fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting B-movie heroine.

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